31 July 2006

Ship of Fools?

as you wish...

Who I'd Pick: Eliane Radigue, Michel Gondry, Bill Viola

Who'd Film Us: Jean-Pierre Jeunet, David Lean

Who'd Write the Score: DAT Politics, Ennio Morricone, Luc Ferrari, a twelfth century Franciscan monk

What We'd Read to Each Other: L'Écume des Jours, wine labels, "Imaginary Wedding Song" by Terrance Hayes, "how to" books on designing & building a house for sound snobs

What Wouldn't be Left Behind: the laptop computer, saffron & nutmeg, swim goggles, a pocket full of different birdcalls

When: May 1958, autumn into the holidays, May 29 1913, before becoming mermaids

Where We'd Eat: Chez Panisse (Berkeley, CA), Balthazar (NYC), Aux Lyonnais (Paris), on the beach (Sicily), chez moi

Where We'd Sleep: under the stars (random open field, Montana), in the quietest room, or maybe here


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